Barstow Family

Barstow Crest

Mary Leader, wife of Thomas Irwin Barstow 1818-89

We welcome you to our family page, you will be able to download information from the"Gedcom" family files here, and learn how to create your own.

How to Create Your Genealogy GEDCOM File

Barstow family example file*. (To download right click and Save your hard disk)

To read this file and create your own, download Personal Ancestral File, but there are many other software programs on this link. Two of the best known programs you can buy are Family Tree Maker (FTW) or Legacy Family Tree (FDB). However Personal Ancestral File, a free, but fairly lengthy download, from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, can display most of the information shown in the example Gedcom file; ultimately the choice of software is a matter of personal taste, ease of use and the way information is displayed. A good basic product (short down load) for creating your own webpages is Gedpage from Frontiernet a shareware program, only $10 to register provided you use it for your own purposes and do not attempt to sell it or use it commercially.

Pedigree of Michael Barstow of York ( marr. 1650 Alice) d. 1694

Descendants of Thomas Barstow More detailed web-pages prepared using Personal Ancestral File Software.

Any information or corrections or additions to our existing family files will be welcome. Sign in to our Guestlog, you can also leave a message there, which will be e-mailed directly to us. We do not guarantee to publish it but we will do our best.

Alternatively, you can follow up  threads or publish your own short messages on our family links pages.

Latest Barstow family tree

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Copyright © 1997-2003 O.G.Barstow and C.J.Barstow
Updated 19.00 on 17/01/2003
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